Stand still, you ever moving spheres of heaven,
that time may cease, and midnight never come ...
~ 'Dr Faustus' by Christopher Marlowe

Friday, August 22, 2008

Date With Destiny

earlier this evening, i was introduced to a fortune teller, clairvoyant or psychic - whichever name you choose for someone who bestows such ability or skill upon others. i've haven't seen one for a couple of years - perhaps some fall short of my expectation, whilst the ones that do hit the nail on the head are few and far between - most just generalise. i'm sure i don't need to preach to the converted or justify myself to any skeptics out there, but i'm an intuitive empath myself with a keen sixth sense - i believe most of us have that innate ability if we know how to invariably tap into them. alrighty? damn good then!

i was told that this psychic was of a high calibre so i thought why not? he preceded to take down the usual details - my name and date of birth and began analysing my numerological birth chart. he reiterated my current situation this month with high accuracy, especially the headspace i had been in of late - suffice to say, he said august was the worst month of the year for me (for a few reasons) but that things would get better next month. hmmm .. wishful thinking on my part or his? lol ..

he then proceeded to tell me that in a certain number of years i would be married (?) to the man of my dreams - and by 'dreams', he meant it quite literally because i have met my soul mate / twin flame a couple of times in my dream state, so i know that 'he' exists somewhere out there. i've had a couple of signs, dreams and premonitions - along with other psychics telling me that my guy was coming, but i have always known this for myself anyway and knew it would only be a matter of time.

however the tone and manner in which this particular psychic relayed this information took me by surprise - he seemed more astounded than i did and kept saying that this perfect beau was 'everything' i had dreamed of and wanted in a partner, 'everything' in 'every' way. it was almost as if he was more blown away by it than i was. he mentioned a few other details and timings on when we would meet (yes, he gave me a rough month & year) .. but i don't want to pre-empt the universe just yet, so we'll see what happens shall we?

he also mentioned two businesses / projects that i just started - very interesting that he picked up on both of them, but didn't elude to much beyond that - so perhaps not much detail to be had there or .. something else ? He did discuss using and protecting my own intuitive and psychic abilities - again, another lifetime work-in-progress project for those of us who know and share the path anyway.

all in all, i'd give him 6-6.5 out of 10 - perhaps a 7 if the dream lover materialises in the time, way, shape or form he predicted. for now, i'm content to just nod off and dream about my dream lover - in private thanks :) .. nighty night .. zzzz

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